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I want to get people excited about science and in some cases to change misconceptions.

I also like to share my knowledge and keep the public interested in what is going on.

I want to share my passion for science and mostly my passion for the marine ecosystems.

I have participated in science fairs and events and I am a scientist you can skype in the Skype-a-scientist program!


2022-11-02 Entrevista RNE, EspaƱoles en la mar. Efectos sobre los ecosistemas marinos de un alga invasora detectada en Mallorca (Proyecto invhali). [Link]

2013-03-15 Reportaje RTVE 2, El escarabajo verde. Graciosa: isla tras el rio. (Proyecto voluntariado en Chinijo WWF/Adena) [Link]

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cv_gema_hernan_english.pdf 101 KB